I just found out what Nihilism means…so that’s exciting

I typically try to avoid words that end in “-ism.”  They confuse me.  I’ve been pretending to know what fascism is for well over a decade. I’m pretty sure it has something to do with the Nazis, but beyond that—no clue. If I ever do apply an ‘-ism’ in conversation, it’s only because I’m trying to impress people with my big boy words.

Having said all of that, I’m like 80% sure I know what this one means. The basic idea of nihilism, at least in terms of philosophy, is how awesome it would be if nothing existed. No stars. No elements. Not even a black void of empty space, because even that would be something. The concept is as scary as it is impossible to imagine. Give it a shot. Just talking about it here is making me want to slam my head into the desk.

Where did I learn this delightful conversation starter? From a book, bitch. The highly pessimistic author of which, is of the opinion that our self-aware asses popping into existence was one big cosmic fuck up. He also thinks that any objective investigation into whether or not being alive is worth the ticket price, would end in suicide…really uplifting stuff.

It really stuck in my mind because there was one theory in there that I found so depressingly ironic that I had no choice but to laugh like a psychopath. It’s basically a pessimist’s creation story: at first there was god, just chillin’ and thinkin’ about stuff. What kind of stuff? I don’t know. The dude had a lot of time to think. Probably a whole bunch of crazy shit that would make Stephen Hawking drop a load in his pants. He’s God. Get off his nuts.*  So he ends up getting so bored with being that he decides to self-destruct: just fire off all of his matter and energy in every direction. Which is actually pretty understandable, if you ask me. I mean, what’s the point of being all powerful if there’s no one around to see all your cool magic tricks?

Anyway, the point is that God getting fed up and offing himself was the big bang that created the universe, hoping that it would all eventually burn out and allow him to rest in peace. Which means that God did not create us out of love, but self-loathing. And the universe is just one giant crime scene, with the stars and galaxies detailing nothing more than divine blood spatter. Not to mention that our stubborn insistence on surviving is only prolonging his agony. Your every breath is a fat loogie in the face of your creator.

Now, just in case you’re one of those people who is so dug into their worldview that I’ve managed to offend you…relax. I don’t really believe anything I just said. It’s just fun to pull a thread and see where it takes me. When it comes to whether or not god exists, most people just pick one of the handful of provided narratives, and stop thinking about it. But WHY? We’re all just taking our best guess anyway. Why not have some fun with it? Take a shot in the dark. Make something up…irritate your friends and loved ones. Use your fucking imagination.



*I realize it’s sexist to refer to God as a man, but trying to tow that gender line makes pronouns an absolute nightmare. So for the sake of simplicity (and a few childish dick jokes) I will be referring to God as a he.


The Pros

#1. You know that scene at the end of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, when Indy has to make the leap of faith into a bottomless pit? So, he closes his eyes and takes a step only to discover there was an invisible bridge in front of him the whole fuckin’ time.* My experience has been a lot like that. Working up the nerve to get on the plane was the most difficult part; and even then, I had a little help from an orange plastic bottle. These days, my boss pretty much handles anything and everything that requires a sense of maturity: rent, utilities, taxes, you name it. Anything with the potential to make me a bigger pain in the ass is handled before the money changes hands.

#2. Yet, to the untrained eye, it actually looks like I’m doing something with my life. It’s a limbo between college and adulthood; a way to seem like a grown up without actually growing up. I highly recommend it to any recent college grads who decided to spend the last four years destroying their bodies instead of preparing for this moment. Well, don’t fret, my stupid friend. Just grab whichever useless degree kept you eligible, and find a job waiting tables until your criminal record gets cleared. Then, get on a Korean Job forum and shotgun that resumé across the internet like its last night’s taco bell. It’s a numbers game, so don’t be afraid to paint the bowl. Maximum coverage is a good thing. It shouldn’t take more than couple weeks, as long as you don’t interview like an asshole. Then bing-bang-boom, you’ve got your very own set of adult world training wheels. Congratulations. In this country, everyone over twenty drinks like the world’s about to end. So you’ll fit in just fine.

#3. There will be some drawbacks, mainly in regard to the languague barrier; like the frequent paranoia that your co-workers are talking about you, in front of you. But on that same note, you don’t have to listen to all of the bullshit that falls out of people’s heads on a daily basis: gossip, workplace drama, opinions grounded in ignorance, etc. Not to mention, the majority of people are going leave you alone. Even panhandlers. They turn to see my pasty face, and just ‘nope’ right back the other way. And sure, every cutlure is going to have there fair share of racist old men, ready to berate a foreigner for no good reason; but they’re a lot easier to deal with when you don’t have a clue what they’re saying.


*And if you don’t know what I’m talking about….what is wrong with you? Stop reading this crap and go watch that movie. I assure you it’s a thousand times more fulfilling than anything I have to say.

The Title’s Not Important

I’ve never been one to subscribe to the theory of “everything happens for a reason,” or “God has a plan” as it’s understood in the less secular translations. A bit too optimistic for my taste; just a white lie designed to keep people from putting a gun in their mouth during those times when non-existence doesn’t seem so bad. Even for the omniscient, there are way too many people to keep track of, let alone give a frothy shit about. If God ever really did have a plan for all of us, I’m pretty sure he gave up about 6 billion people ago. 

Having said that, it does seem as though being hung out to dry by my first boss may have been the most ideal outcome.*  Not only did I find another job long before my savings ran dry, but I also had a couple weeks to kill, giving me plenty of time to explore the city, interact with the locals, and absorb some culture. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Andy, you literally did none of those things.”  That’s not the point. The point is I found an employer whose professional expectations were far more suitable to my skill set. By which, I mean, lower…much, much lower.

Not that my new school is any less reputable of an institution; but they’ve been having some issues with their white people of late. Some honky hassles, if you will. For example, the “man” that I replaced was so out there that to simply call our interactions awkward, would be a compliment. This dude was so socially illiterate that it was impossible not to feel bad for him; that is, until you realize he has all the redeeming qualities of a diaper rash. As a result they’ve been forced to drop their standards. 

Enter Andy Mac, galloping into town astride a glorious mythical steed. Is that a suit of armor I see sparkling on the horizon? Or just the blinding glare from his nearly translucent skin? IT MAKES NO MATTER! For this man will be hired not by the color of his skin, but by his lack of a severe, yet undefined social disorder. Unlike my predecessor, I had not made a habit of invading everyone’s personal space with a crippling ignorance of social norms. I’m honestly not exaggerating when I say that my number one qualification for this job was that I was not him. Which is great, because I had unknowingly gained over twenty years of experience in not being him. I had been not being him for pretty much my entire life. 

Of course, it didn’t take long for that new toy novelty to wear off. Now, I’m expected to “contribute” and shit. Still, not a bad gig though.  These days, my leading qualifications are my fluency in English (which, on my list of reflexive talents, is just above wiping), and never having been arrested for child abuse. Admittedly, the second one is considerably more difficult than the first…but still, pretty fuckin’ easy. Certainly better than closing down a bar 3 nights a week. At least here, I’m not surprised when the clientele piss themselves.


* Actually, the most ideal outcome would have involved one of my fellow trainees, whom I will call Lorie, and myself being invited to vent our frustrations in a consensual, yet highly aggressive threesome with our sadistic Korean trainer. But that’s just me being a stickler for semantics. I digress.

Where Was I?

After being flipped the proverbial* bird by my former future employer, I handled it with composure, not letting anyone see a hint of the embittered rage welling up inside of me. I gathered my things and quietly exited without so much as a smartass remark. There was no time to dwell. I needed a new plan. Fast. So I got back to the hotel and did the first thing I could think of: panic. Yes. Panic. That most natural of human responses when you lose your grip on life. I wanted nothing more than to go straight to the airport, hop on a plane for home, get ridiculously,  irresponsibly stoned, and convince myself that everything happens for a reason. But I was already here, halfway around the world, and if I bailed now, I knew I wouldn’t be coming back.

So I said, “Andy, that’s a pretty sweet plan you got there, with the recreational drugs, and the living in a country where people understand what you’re saying. But you just spent an entire year telling everyone you’ve ever known that you were moving to Korea for an indefinite period of time. If you go back after 8 days, you’re going to look like a moron.”

“That’s a really good point, Andy,” I replied. “And it kinda makes me want to cry.”

“Well then you need a better plan,” I said. “Because you sound like a fucking idiot when you cry.”

I was making a lot of sense. I just didn’t want to admit it yet. So I decided to drink. Heavily. And deal with it in the morning. Which turned out to be a really bad idea, for all of the usual reasons that drinking under emotional stress is a bad idea. Not only was I still super anxious, but now I was dehydrated, hungover, and horny. Well…hornier than normal. And this was before I figured out how to bypass the government internet censors. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. Porn’s illegal in Korea. As well as any drug that could be any sort of fun. So with all of my traditional free time activities out of reach, I went to work.


*I’m not using this word properly.

Here I Am

Here I stand, like an idiot because what I want is forbidden. Not forbidden like an abandoned city in a fairytale, or forbidden like going to a house party when you’re 16. It’s not whispered by a first grade teacher as she pans the book across room so everyone can see the spooky castle. Nor is it demanded by a stern parent who’s secretly praying you can still be frightened into obedience. This type of forbidden is only delivered once, in a flat iron tone, through unblinking eyes that leave no room for misinterpretation. There are a thousand ways it could go wrong, each with it’s own unique brand of retribution, and only one way it could go right.

Yet, here I stand, contemplating the odds, because her eyes promise kindness; her touch, warmth; and her lips, a pleasure that I have never and will never encounter again in my life.

Here I stand, feet from the dark stain on the wall to my left:  a parting gift from the last man that wandered this far. An indistinct splatter moving out and away:  the type of permanent tint that’s left behind when blood sinks into stone, and crimson turns to black.

Yet, as I stare at the last fading remnants of my predecessor—this shadow cast by no one—I feel only envy. I heard the son of a bitch didn’t even know they knew until the ax was an inch from his face. Probably died with a smile, still too high on her scent to smell the sweat-stained leather of the man hidden just out of sight: a man well-paid for his brutality. He was probably still too drunk on her touch to feel the weight of the blow that opened his skull.

At least that’s what I tell myself, in the hopes that my end will come just as quick.